Zugló - Vezér utca
Appointments by phone:
+36 (70) 571 0071
or online booking:

Buda - Margit körút
Appointments by phone:
+36 (30) 475 7830
or online booking:

Appointments by phone:
+36 (70) 395 5694
or online booking:
On this interface, you can easily check our available dates in a few minutes, choose the one that suits you best and book it immediately. If you need any help, please contact us.
Online consultations
For online consultations, the booking is finalised as follows: after booking your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the online payment option. The appointment can only be confirmed and finalised after payment. Thank you for your understanding!
Dr. Judit Faragó
online consultation
(30 minutes)
16.000,- Ft
Dr. Katalin Horváth
online consultation
(30 minutes)
16.000,- Ft