Neurológia magánrendelés Zugló mellett már Budán is!

Dr. Bessenyei Dávid neurológus szakorvos rendelése minden hétfőn budai rendelőnkben.
Dr. Faragó Judit neurológus főorvos rendelése minden csütörtökön és pénteken zuglói rendelőnkben.

Rheumatological examination

Our rheumatology specialists are waiting for our patients at three locations with a short waiting list. We provide diagnosis and complex therapy in one place, book your appointment now!

Shockwave therapy

Shockwave therapy is a conservative treatment procedure that uses a machine to deliver shockwaves through the skin to the area to be treated.

Blood tests right at your doorstep

No need for a referral, no queuing,
the test takes only 5 minutes.
Blood test from 14 years of age!

Ultrasound diagnostics

A diagnostic ultrasound scan is one of the most common imaging tests that can help our specialists make an accurate diagnosis.

Available appointments

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Dr. András Koroknai
Rheumatologist, sports physician, lifestyle physician

I am Dr. András Koroknai, a rheumatologist, the owner and leading musculoskeletal specialist of Koroknai Medical, as well as an occupational health physician and sports physician.

In 2007, we were established with the aim of creating a new concept in outpatient care in Hungary, raising the professional standards of healthcare services to a higher level. Previously, as a senior consultant, I gained extensive experience in the early detection and effective treatment of rheumatological diseases.

In designing our clinics, we have made it a priority to create a child- and elderly-friendly environment, which is fully embraced by the staff.

Over the years, we have continued to expand our services, specialties and practices based on patient feedback and needs. Adapting to the needs of the times, we have introduced special injection techniques, which we use with outstanding effectiveness in the field of arthroscopic and cartilage diseases. We have expanded our range of equipment and continue to monitor the latest developments in musculoskeletal medicine so that we can incorporate them into our range.

Dr. Koroknai Andras Koroknai Medical mozgasszervi rendelo reumatologia scaled

From the fall of 2013, our range of services expanded again. We cater to the needs of the Corporate Division with modern occupational medicine services and screenings provided to employees as extra benefits. We consider this activity to be vitally important in the spirit of prevention, because with the early recognition and detection of serious health diseases, permanent health damage can be prevented. We contribute to the health preservation of those who come to us with lifestyle and nutritional advice, drawing up exercise plans, health assessments and follow-ups.

Our main aim is to get people of working age back to work as soon as possible, shortening the period of sick leave, and to get our patients of retirement age moving, helping them to get involved in the active life of their families and grandchildren.

"We believe in a fast recovery. We know that every pain is unique. We diagnose and treat the cause of your complaint. Musculoskeletal examination and therapy in one place."

Our clinics

Our team of trained professionals is waiting for patients at three locations. Choose the clinic nearest to you and ask for a personalised appointment. We welcome you in Pest, Buda and Dunaújváros.

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Our clinic in Pest

Contact us every day from 8 am to 8 pm
Phone number (Pest): +36 (70) 571 0071
Address: 1148 Budapest, Vezér u. 148-150.

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Our clinic in Buda

Contact us every day from 8 am to 8 pm
Phone number (Buda): +36 (30) 475 7830
Address: 1027 Budapest, Margit krt. 26.

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Our clinic in Dunaújváros

Contact us every day from 8 am to 8 pm
Phone number (Dunaújváros): +36 (70) 395 5694
Address: 2400 Dunaújváros, Szórád Márton út 10.

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Request a callback!

If you have any questions about our treatments, please feel free to contact us and one of our staff will answer you.

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